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The Arōmatouch Certification contains :

  • 8 essential oils bottles (5mL)

  • training book in french or english 

  • dōTERRA certification

  • theoretical class by an aromatherapist 

  • practice, you give and receive an Arōmatouch

1 day ⎜180 CHF or 150 €

Purpose of AromaTouch

Anyone who loves essential oils dōTERRA can practice the AromaTouch technique, developed by Dr. David K. Hill, D.C.

It offers people a unique experience with essential oils.

Whether you are young or old, male or female, anyone can learn this technique in one day and put it to good use in the lives of their loved ones.

The oils 

Each essential oil in the AromaTouch technique has been selected for its individual aromatic properties and for its powerful properties.

This technique uses specific guidelines and instructions for dosage and application that make it a safe and effective way to enjoy the full benefits of essential oils. It is a gentle technique suitable for everyone.


The movements

Whether it is a handshake or a hug, all physical contact has different meanings.

Even when sharing an experience with essential oils, there is a difference between just applying the oils to someone's forearm or taking the time to really take care of one's overall well-being through the AromaTouch Technique.

Physical touch is as important in the AromaTouch Technique as the aroma.

While the main purpose of the technique is to apply the oils and offer the recipient an experience with the essential oils, the AromaTouch Technique also acts on the connection with another person on an emotional level. The connections developed by this technique form feelings of trust and help people to relax.

Certified Online training for 250.- Swiss francs  or euros

Included in training to be ordered to Ms. Graf at

  • A kit of 8 oils or blends of essential oils of 5 ml (available in 15ml for 110.- more)

  • Documentation in French or English or Spanish

  • Training about essential oils and technique in subtitled video (platform provided by dõTERRA)

  • Exchange with Ms Graf by video zoom to answer your questions

  • A certificate of dōTERRA by e-mail 

What they say about it

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