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Intuitive Aromatherapy introduction

It is discovering the psycho-affective effects of molecules and particles of a plant during an olfactory meditation. Let it take you on a journey of your own. Listen to it as it delivers its message and awakes your intuition.

It's an inspired and expired aromatherapy.

Nothing is right, neither wrong, no judgments, only your feelings, your well-being count.

Something invisible and impalpable but that leads you by your nose!

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What is intuitive aromatherapy?

« Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful day of your life » 

Mark Twain

What are your health goals?

To create a health plan for you, it’s essential to know where you are now. Answer these important questions below to yourself. Go ahead and talk to yourself, without judgments. It could be the beginning of your awareness.

  • Why are you here, reading about aromatherapy?

  • Where is health now on a scale from 1-10?
    (Hint: emotional, sleep, skin, digestion, immunity, tension in body, stress, etc.)

  • Where do you want it to be?

  • Why are you not there?

  • On a scale from 1-10, how committed are you to reaching your health goals?

  • Did you notice anything different about your answers?

  • Are you surprised?

  • Are you ready for change?

The sooner you recognize where you are and what you really want, the faster we can get there. This is where I come in. You have the desire, I have the solution. Over 8 years of coaching people to reach their own health goals, I have seen thousands of lives transformed! What would life be like if you slept through the night, ditched stress and had a surplus of peace in your life? What would it be like to move your body with no tension holding you back, or to stay healthy even when everyone around you is sick? This is the path to wellness, and I am here to teach you how essential oils can be the toolbox to help you reach your desired goals.

Prepare yourself to live

an unique experience!

Choose your next step

Here are different plans you can choose according to your needs or goals.

I want a one-to-one


Private phone or videoconference

with Bénédicte Graf

1st meeting - 45mn

70 euros

Sign me up with a

dōTERRA starter kit

With a kit of 10 essential oils, or more, you will have what you need to start taking care of you safely and making serious economies.

I wish to receive a

presentation video

Want to know more before starting? Watch this one hour video about the Family kit 10 essential oils and how to use them in aromatherapy.

Recommended starting kits
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Best value

This kit has 10 bottles (5mL ) : Frankincense, Peppermint, Digestzen, Onguard, Lavender, Lemon, Melaleuca, Oregano, Breathe, Deep Blue,

+ On Guard beadlets - gift

+ peppermint beadlets - gift

+ annual membership - gift

Quintessentielles Bonus :

+ access to our site where you can find ressources about the use of essential oils

+ private access to our Facebook community Don de la Terre

+ a kit presentation video

+ MP3 olfactive meditation 

+ a 30 min wellness consultation 

Price : 115€  HT - Economy : 30€

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